The Experimental Atlas of Men

I don't want this in my house! ...or: How to Avoid Making a Fatal Mistake. Have you accidentally added a deadly specimen to your collection?
To help you identify prospective partners before they get their feet under your table, you need the Experimental Atlas of Men – a bold, witty, gender-specific book from an author who has never been too afraid to tackle taboo subjects.
Sylva Lauerová, with a number of bestsellers already under her belt (the Toy, Sexy Strategy, Jumaroro), has joined forces with Albatros Media’s CPress publishing division to bring you a publication that goes completely beyond the usual conventions.
This richly-illustrated Experimental Atlas of Men outlines the nine classes and several dozen species of men to be found living in their various natural habitats. You will discover how to recognize the Whining Hypochondriac, discover the tricks of the Secret Tippler, become familiar with critically-endangered species such as the Loyal Nice Guy and the Exceptional Personality, and you won’t resist the Fertile Big Spender. After reading this book, you will never fall into the trap of the Drastic Spendthrift and avoid, for example, the Jealous Comparer. And most importantly – you will have so much fun reading it!
The book successfully pastiches more serious scientific publications by focussing on the prevalence and significant features of the sampled endemic species of men and provides breeders with valuable advice and practical care tips.
The Experimental Atlas of Men makes a great gift not only for women who will find listed amongst the pages their better halves, ideal partners or unsuccessful exes, but also for men with a sense of humour and taste for parody.
The accompanying illustrations are by Tomáš Kučerovský, a leading Czech artist.
The Experimental Atlas of Menis available from all major bookshops in the Czech Republic, including Kanzelsberger, Dobrovský, Academia and all online bookstores.
Alternatively, you can purchase the book here.